Sleep less than 7 hours a night?

You are clinically Sleep Deprived.

Here's what that means

  • Sleep Deprivation?

    Sleep Deprivation is defined as not getting enough sleep or not getting enough good quality sleep, and can be a combination of both. If you sleep less than 7 hours per night, you're classed as sleep deprived.

  • The effects?

    Sleep Deprivation results in poor concentration, altered mood, lower immune health, reduced reaction times, and many more negative impacts on personal health and productivity.

  • What can I do?

    Despite the huge downsides of poor sleep detailed below, there are several simple, proven steps to improve your sleep and counteract the causes of sleep deprivation no matter your background or lifestyle.

What do the experts say on the importance of sleep?

But how can a Sleep Journal help me?

The evidence is clear:

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Journal Writing is as effective as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)... reducing the risk of depression in young adults, and has even been shown to reduce the number of sick days taken from work. Journalling is a commonplace effective non-pharmacological tool used for anxiety, depression, stress management, reflection,and recovery.

Writing goals and plans towards those goals is a very effective habit maker and breaker.

Documenting goals and the actions needed to take to reach those goals is a simple but highly-effective habit-formation tool used to change behaviours and if followed through, results in a 'stability phase' in which the habit has been formed and minimal effort is required to maintain it.

Those who write down their goals are significantly more likely to achieve them.

The power of writing down goals is well-evidenced. Four studies in particular examined this:

  • 1st study = 33% increase in goal achievement for both. professional and personal goals
  • 2nd study = 42% increased liklihood of achieving goals written down.
  • 3rd study = in a corporate setting, led to more productive employees with higher goal achievement rates and reported improved focus, motivation and prioritisation.
  • 4th study = higher levels of life satisfaction and well-being, and an increased sense of accomplishment.

Does journalling really improve sleep?

A LOT more detail is available for free through our E-Book, which you can access here.

People who write down and describe their goals are on average 42% more likely to achieve those goals.

Sleep is no different.

Using a Sleep Journal properly grants you access to that extra 42% liklihood of achieving great sleep every night.

Better sleep leads to better lives.

Not just for you, your wallet, your family, or your co-workers. For everyone around you.

Better sleep leads to better relationships, better work, better health, better mood, better finances, better parenting, better driving, better decision making, better emotional control, better quality of life... the list goes on.

Why take our word for it - what do we know about sleep?

About Sleep Mastery

Sleep Mastery was founded in 2024 after years of seeing and experiencing the negative effects of poor sleep across a variety of different populations and professions, combined with a desire to change the attitude towards and importance of sleep in the health and performance of everybody.

As an ambitious young man with a desire to improve and a background in Sports Medicine, I found myself conflicted between knowing the health risks of Sleep Deprivation, and being told by other ambitious personalities that "Sleep if for the weak." and "You can sleep when you're dead, there's work to be done!".

At some point, after listening and learning from experts like Andrew Huberman and Matt Walker, I decided to make the change from sleep being an inconvenience in the way of my other responsibilites, to sleep being a priority in my routine.

After a period of feeling guilty for getting more sleep, I started really noticing the benefits to my own personal health and productivity. Needless to say, I've never looked back.

I decided to start the Sleep Mastery Journal first as a means to further track and improve my own personal sleep based on evidence-based methods, and decided to turn it into a product to help others reap the benefits of greater sleep along the way.

A main component of the Sleep Journal was focused on using research backed and proven methods for sleep improvement, mainly around sleep hygeine but also around supplements and behaviours that can heavily influence sleep.

How can the Sleep Mastery Journal help me?

Sleep Deprivation leads to:

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decreased testosterone & reduced fertility

"Research reveals that infertility across all ages is affected by the quality, timing, and duration of sleep.
Human and animal models clearly show that sleep deprivation alters the level of reproductive hormones that are key players in determining the tendencies of male and female fertility."

reduced life expectancy & quality of life

The shorter your sleep, the shorter your life and the lower quality that now shorter life will be. Short sleep predicts all-cause mortality.

Subjective sleep quality is significantly associated with physical and mental quality of life, and sleep duration is significantly associated with mental quality of life.

lower cognitive ability, focus, emotional processing, memory & creative ability

Short sleep is associated with reduced cognitive performance on a multitude of tests, lowering IQ scores, reducing visual-spatial intelligence, short-term and long-term memory, and increasing daytime drowsiness.

Poor sleep reduces the processing of emotional and reward-related information in the brain, reducing the consolidation of memories, and reducing adaptive cognitive and emotional responses when awake.

Cognitive ability is impacted on many levels with reduced sleep duration and quality, including vigilance, learning and memory, decision making, creativity, reduced response times and reduced response accuracy.

lower life expectancy & increased Alzheimer's disease risk

Subjective and objective sleep duration measurements, sleep quality and sleep regularity are all predictors of all-cause mortality. More regular sleep is a significant predictor of lower all-cause mortality. Sleep regularity is a stronger predictor of all-casue mortality than sleep duration, even when adjusted for age, sex, ethnicity, physical activity, smoking, shift work, lifestyle factors, pre-existing illness, high BMI, high cholesterol, and mental health status.

Poor sleep quality and duration decrease the removal of beta-amyloid in the brain, resulting in increased levels of these hormones in the brain and higher levels of inflammation. Beta-amyloid is known to be a toxic protein linked to Alzheimer's disease. Sleep disturbances may be able to predict the onset of dementia.

increased cancer risk & decreased immune system capacity

Poor sleep quality is positively associated with the long-term risk of developing cancer. Decreased sleep duration and/or poor sleep hygeine increases breast cancer risk, lung cancer risk, prostate cancer risk, primary liver cancer risk, and are a pancreatic cancer risk factor.

Sleep affects various parts of the immune system, sleep deficiencies are known to lead to chronic systemic low-grade inflammation and is associated with several diseases that have an inflammatory component such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, and neurodegeneration.

increased diabetes & obesity risk

Poor sleep quality is correlated with an increase in, and short sleep is an independent risk factor for type 2 diabetes mellitus risk.

Short sleep worsens outcomes of weight loss treatments, changes regulation of 'hunger hormones' leptin and ghrelin, increases the amount of daily calories consumed and leads to poorer food choices.

increased heart disease & stroke risk

Poor sleep quality is associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease, even when sleep duration is normal, and when adjusted for age.

Poor and worsened sleep quality is associated with an increased risk of stroke, and improving sleep quality demonstrably decreases stroke risk in people with poor sleep quality.

increased risk of depression, depressive symptoms, and death by suicide

Both short and disturbed sleep and their combination increase the risk of future depressive symptoms, impair multiple cognitive and affective functions such as mood and emotional regulation.

Poor subjective sleep quality is associated with increased risk for death by suicide 10 years later, even after adjustment for depressive symptoms.

This is where the Sleep Mastery Journal comes in.

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What to expect after 1-4 weeks of use:

  • Higher Quality Sleep Cycles
  • Longer and Deeper Sleeps
  • Better ability and knowledge of how to fall asleep quickly
  • Greater subjective sleep quality
  • Improvements in mood and mental health
  • Stable energy levels with no need to depend on caffeine
  • Physical performance becomes easier and feels more natural
  • Improved ability to handle stress in everyday life

Fix your sleep in 4 weeks.

Journal Writing is proven to increase goal success rates, increase habit making and breaking capability, and is as effective as cognitive behavioural therapy.

Start your journal to a more well rested, energised and healthy life today.

Fix my sleep!

Join the movement.